Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cultural Note: Getting Scammed in Czech Republic

OK- not a serious gripe, but we have definitely learned to be aware when eating in Czech restaurants. We had heard about the hidden fees for sitting down (at one place just 5ck per person, the equivalent of like 30cents), but over the last few days the hidden charges have come in a number of ways. So, beware, and know how to argue a bit?

1) Things being thrust on the table- putting down bread/nuts whatever when you sit down, without being asked. End up on the tab for a good 50ck. Couldn't even say no because we never asked for them or even noticed them until the bill came.

2) Getting bigger sizes than you ordered- once with beer (the large was twice the price as the one listed on menu, but since you didn't specify that you just wanted the .5l, they assumed you wanted the 1l for 100ck).

Today I got in a fight with a guy at restaurant because I ordered some fish, which normally is priced at 110ck. When the bill showed up we had charges all over the place, including 150ck for my fish. When I asked why, he said "well, if you read the menu it says 110ck for 150g, but the fish you ate was 250g, so we charged you more." I was SO mad (after having been scammed twice the day before) that I argued with the guy and he took it off the bill (well, he dropped the price down to the price on the menu). I felt like an idiot being "that tourist" arguing over a bill, but seriously, I had had enough.

So, note to anyone- beware! So far every place we've eaten has slipped one over on us, whether small or big, so just look out for it. At least now we know to be careful about everything, lest our tab be twice what it should. Still, I can't complain too much since you can get a good meal here, at a restaurant, for less than 10 bucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! it is horrible but reading about it was very entertaining...:)
I hope you will have less of a stress for the rest of your trip.

PS. I am proud of you for not letting them scam you over and over again.
That's my girl!!!!